I. C. S. E.


Established as a consequence of a resolution passed at the 7th annual conventi on of the International Committee for Sexual Equality at Frankfurt, Germany, last year, the Cooperative Secretariat will undertake the task of linking existing groups and subscriber organizations all over the world in a more thorough manner.

This branch of the ICSE will act in cooperation with the General Secretariat, but will specifically promote the exchange of experience in the organizational field, propagate the concept of international cooperation and help to rouse and maintain an all-embracing feeling of solidarity.

The General Secretariat will direct attention to promoting scientific research and the dissemination of its results and handle public relations.


Plans are going ahead for the 5th International Congress of the ICSE to be held in Brussels, Belgium, in conjunction with the World's Fair. Pates are May 23-27 and the theme will be 1958 WORLD VISION ON HOMOSEXUALITY.

Several speakers of international fame will address representatives of homosexual organizations from throughout the globe. Speakers who have already been scheduled for this festive international event include: Dr. Halkema Kohl, The Hague, research on homosexual couples; Gordon Westwood, London, methodology of a que sti onnaire into male homosexuality; Dr. 0. Martensen-Larsen, Copenhagen, research on homosexuality and family composition; Dr. Gosta Carlberg, Stockholm, report about a big inquiry among homosexuals.

As is usually the case, this Congress will cost money, and funds are being solicited. All contributions are to be sent to ICSE, Postbox 1564, Amsterdam, Holland.